Day Lily - Arch

Day Lily - Straight

Vesper Rose - Arch

Morning Glory - Arch

Caprice - Arch

Caprice - Straight

Highlander - Arch

Highlander - Straight

Oxford - Arch

Oxford - Straight

Regal - Arch

Regal - Straight

Riviera - Arch

Riviera - Straight
Day Lily – Lattice sides, curved horizontals, arched top.
- Vesper Rose – Half circle arbor.
- Morning Glory – Domed arbor
- Caprice – Stylized for a modern floral setting. Installed height 7′, walkway width 4′, 3-1/2″ square posts with 3′ length for burying.
- Highlander – Ideal for climbing plants. Installed height 7′, walkway width 4′, 3-1/2″ square posts with 3′ length for burying.
- Oxford – Traditional lattice over verticals. Installed height 7′, walkway width 4′, 3-1/2″ square posts with 3′ length for burying.
- Regal -For the wrought iron look. Installed height 7′, walkway width 4′, 3-1/2″ square posts with 3′ length for burying.